We had a great Thanksgiving! We enjoyed visiting with my family at my grandmother's for a while and then came back to our house to host Thanksgiving with Jolee's family. It was perfect! It was a blast and very nice. I am so thankful for so much! I have the best family, the best mom and dad who would do anything for me and my family! I love them so much!!!!!!!! I am surrounded by wonderful people and family!!!!! Here are some pictures of my three most priced possessions!!!!
We are so excited about the upcoming holidays!! First off, Thanksgiving is at my house!! I am excited but nervous. I have nver hosted a holiday before. I am so used to going to my grandma's house where everything is so perfect and elegant! I hope things are perfect but I do not have elegant. I have been looking for some cute fall plates but have come up short. My china is nice but it is covered in butterflies and I do not think that is appropriate Thanksgiving attire, but it will have to do. Ford is so excited about Christmas. We started Santa shopping the other day. We got Ford a Woody doll. He loves Toy Story. Ofcourse Jolee could not wait and gave it to him that night! He loves to give Ford surprises! Hopefully he can save some for Christmas morning. We got Finlee her first Cabbage patch doll. We are going to start a tradition for her where she gets one every Christmas. Ofcourse there are lots more Santa presents to be gotten! Cannot wait! We will get our tree Thankgiving night. I will always have that tradition for my kids! I love soing that!! I want Christmas to last as long as it can for them. We hope to see Santa this weekend. Ford hated it last year and I had to sit with him so hopefully this year will be better. Here are some recent pictures from last week!! They are growing like weeds!!
PS: To Janice, I feel the same way. I wish we lived closer. Who knows what the future will bring??? I miss you guys already!
Ford and Finlee go their Christmas pictures done today! They turned out great. We got great ones of them together. But ofcourse Ford was done after a few shots. We could not get any by himself, but luckily the ones of them together were good. They are so cute!!!!!
Mad because after she rolled over, she could not go anywhere else! She is ready to move!!
Halfway there!
I did it!!
Finlee is almost four months old. She will be in about a week. Last week she rolled over for the first time!! She is getting so big! It was so sweet... Ford was cheering the hardest for her to do it. He kept saying Finnee, you can do it. He calls he Finee. It is so cute!
People thought I was crazy....for taking a two year old and a three month old on an airplane by myself to Houston. I wondered how sane I was myself. But they were great. On the way there Finlee slept the whole way and Ford watched his movie and was content looking out the window. The way back was a little more challenging. It was his naptime and he bawled the first twenty minutes but then past out for the whole ride as did Finlee. It was better than I expected ! We had a blast with Mimi and Pawpaw and my brother Ryan and his wife. It was so good to see them. I wished we lived closer especially with the holidays coming. I wish they could see how excited Ford is getting. I want my kids to grow up close to all the grandparents, but atleast we have some here and Jolee's parents are GREAT!!! They are the best in-laws. I am blessed. I wonder how people make it when they do not like their in-laws. I cannot imagine. I love mine and the feeling is mutual from them. I certainly do miss my parents though! In Houston we did lots. We went to the children's musuem whic Ford loved. He loved digging for dinosaur bones. We did lots of shopping, thanks Mom for all their new clothes! We ate at lots of good restaurants, and much more!! I am so glad we went. Luckily I will see my parents again at Christmas! Icannot wait. We already have so much we want to get the kids from Santa!!!!
Okay so the pictures and post are all out of order, but you can see what is what!
I am 32 years old and have an incredible husband and two beautiful children!! Jolee and I have been married for 7 years. He is a great husband and an amazing father. Our son Ford is 6 and full of energy. He is the most precious little boy!! Our daughter Finlee Grace is 4 and quite the sassy pants! I love every minute of being their mommy! My life is perfect!!