Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ford's First Day Of Pre-K

Ford had a great first day of pre-k Monday! He cried a bit when Jolee dropped him off, but that was quick lived. His teachers said he was doing great! He was a little overwhelmed, but coming from an in home daycare of six kids to a whole school with 20 kids in his class can do that to you! He seems to be enjoying it and loves the centers! What a big boy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last day of summer fun!

Yesterday was our last day of summer! We had a fun day! We spent the morning being lazy and playing at the house and then spent the afternnon at a friend's house playing in pools and playing on the slip n slide! FUN!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer is nearing an end!

Summer is closing its doors for us tomorrow! I go back to work Wednesday, but we have had a fantastic summer! We were out of town the WHOLE month of June and it was great! First we went to Destin, FL. and then the kids and I headed to Virginia for several weeks! Then we finished the month up in Myrtle Beach! Loved the beach time. My mom also came for a much needed visit! The kids and I had a blast with her here! I haved enjoyed every minute with my babies! Pictures below are from a sleepover we had with my niece Willa and some are from my cousin Ashley's birthday! Enjoy!